Every year Thai Sugar Group Co. ,ltd conducts a survey of its command area to bring on record the cane cultivated area of the farmers. This also takes care of the different varieties of sugarcane that are grown by farmers.
Post this massive exercise, every farmer within the command area of the mill is provided with a calendar, which tells him when he can expect a Mill Supply Ticket (Purchy) against which he will supply the cane.
The calendar is distributed over 180 days. Based on the maturity and recovery expected from the varieties, the distribution takes place in the calendar.
After receiving the purchy, the farmer harvests the cane and transports it either in a bullock cart or tractor trolley to the mill gate. Farmers who stay in far flung areas supply cane at the mill’s centers. This cane is then transported in trucks or through rail to the mill.
BANG KHAE COCONUT SUGAR COMPANY LIMITED has a total of 1,41,155 hectares of culturable land under their command area. This area covers 1,344 villages and has over 95 centres. It purchases cane from over 1,13,577 farmers. Assuming a family of 5 per household the economy of over half a million households is dependent on Thai Sugar Supply Co.,ltd.